Michele Duvall

P.O. Box 203
110 North Main
Morgantown, KY 42261
Phone: (270) 526-3316
Fax: (270) 526-6401
Email: butlercountyattorney@gmail.com
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The Office of the Butler County Attorney touches the lives of practically every citizen of Butler County. Its statutory responsibilities are to represent the legal interests of the government and to prosecute District Court Cases. But read about the other programs and services below we offer, and you’ll find that our office is involved in many of the local issues you read about daily: government consolidation, child support, domestic violence, gun crimes, juvenile justice, drunk driving, and more.
County Attorney Responsibilities
- Child Support Division
- Civil Division
- Cold Check Recovery Program
- Criminal Prosecution
- Domestic Violence Intake Center
- DUI Diversion Program
- Family Court